Byfleet Heritage Society Membership

The Byfleet Heritage Society membership year runs from May through to the following April.
Those joining between January and April get the extra months as a free extension of their membership.

What do you get when you join the Heritage Society?

New members receive a copy of the current journal and the latest newsletter, copies of the latter of which are normally sent by email or by second-class post.

The Society holds regular meetings throughout the year and these are free for members, with a modest charge for guests. The monthly meetings involve a wide range of speakers covering topics of local interest and the opportunity for informal chat. In addition to these more structured meetings we also have a very informal free 'drop in' in the Heritage Room (within Byfleet Library) on the first Saturday morning of each month (see the Diary page for details). At these we display some of our archived material that we do not normally have on display, and welcome people exploring this and sharing their memories. Full details will be found on our Diary page.

Apart from our meetings we also venture out on the occasional trip to visit somewhere of interest - full details are added to the Diary page of the web site as events are arranged. Many, but by no means all, members also undertake their own researches and by sharing the results we are all finding out more about Byfleet and its surroundings.

Above all it's about enjoying ourselves. Please do join us.

Subscription levels

Individual membership costs £10pa, or £6pa for the unwaged / retired.

Joint / Family membership costs £12pa, or £10pa for the unwaged / retired.

Overseas membership costs are the same as those for UK membership. Whilst the Journal will be posted to overseas addresses, the Newsletters will only be sent by email.
All subscriptions are payable in sterling please.

Please note that membership details are held on a computer to allow us to mail out Journals to members. Details are not shared with anyone else or used for any other purpose.
If you have an email address we would prefer to email the Newsletter, but if needs be we can post copies.

Please send payment, made out to the Byfleet Heritage Society, to:
Mrs A Fabb, Membership Secretary,
6 Birchdale Close
West Byfleet,
KT14 6QA

Alternatively payment and details may be left in Byfleet Library, marked for the attention of Byfleet Heritage Society.

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